Polygeyser Operation & Backwash

Normal operation and backwashing for the PolyGeyser® are simple and do not require moving parts or electronics. The PolyGeyser® utilizes an automatic pneumatic backwash mechanism, minimizing water loss and optimizing the nitrification capacity. Please refer to the normal operation and backwashing procedures and diagrams below. Click on a diagram for an expanded display.
Normal Operation:
- Water enters through Filter Inlets (A) and Diffuser (B) continuously.
- Simultaneously, air is injected into Charge Chamber (C).
- Water passes through Bead Bed (D) for bioclarification and exits through Screen (E).
- Filtered water is returned through Outlet Pipe (F).
- The Pneumatic Trigger (G) fires once the Charge Chamber has reached capacity, effecting backwash as entrained air is released under the Bead Bed. Note during backwash air and water circulation are not interrupted.
- The Bead Bed rolls and “Drops” down the cone (H) as the air agitates the beads. Backwash waters flow into the air charge chamber.
- As water refills the top chamber, the beads float upwards, reforming the filtration bed.
- The solids in the backwash waters settle into the Sludge Chambers (I), while the supernatant is passed through the bead bed again as the air chamber is re-charged with air.
- Sludge is drained periodically (every 2-3 days) through the Sludge Drain (J).
Complete Operation Diagram