
Laguna Max-Flo 2000 Waterfall and Filter Pond Pumps – 2000 GPH – PT8244 – Opened Box / New / Great Deal

Original price was: $254.99.Current price is: $140.00.

Opened Box / New / Great Deal
Model Name – Next Generation Max-Flo 2000
Model Number – PT-8244
Max. Flow Rate – 2000 G.P.H.
Max. Head – 11′ 5″
Solids Handling Size – 5/16″
Dimensions – D x W x H – 7.5″ x 7″ x 4″
Outlet Diameter – 3/4″ – 1″ – 1 1/4″
Watts – 80
Cord Length – 16′

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SKU: PT8244-1 Category:


Significant technological and design innovations improve pump performance with greater energy efficiency. The reliable Max-Flo Waterfall and Filter Pond Pumps operate on less wattage than the prior models without compromising flow rate. Max-Flo are fitted with Smart Pump Technology. This internal, self-regulating system tracks power consumption, hydraulics and impeller direction. In other words, these smart pumps use only the required amount of power for operation!

These high performance pond pumps are ideal for filtration systems, waterfalls, and watercourses. Durable "pre-filter" pump cage minimizes pump damage and clogging by selectively screening larger debris particles. Pumps feature convenient carrying handle, keyhole slots for optional fixed mounting and pivot pin fastener for quick and easy access to pump. Includes "Click-fit" coupler for convenient plumbing compatible with other Laguna series pond systems. 3-year warranty.

Max-Flo Waterfall and Filter Pond Pumps are able to process pond water moderately loaded with suspended solids (1/4" to 3/8" depending on the pump model). Because of this ability, these pond pumps are ideal for use with filtration systems and for creating waterfalls and watercourses. Suspended solids are transported to suitable external filter systems (including pressurized filters) that trap any debris that could potentially pollute pond water, effectively filtering the pond.

NOTE: Magnetic impellers are not covered under the manufacturerfts warranty. The reason why a manufacturer does not cover an impeller is that they are easily broken due to improper use of a pump. For example, if one was to operate a pump without using a cage or strainer, it would leave the inlet exposed and thus would allow for an object to pass through the pumps inlet. On the 4th year of the warranty AZPonds will charge a $25.00 service pre-charge in case the impeller is damaged and we need to replace it. If the problem is not the impeller we will credit you the $25.00. To keep magnetic impellers working at its optimal efficiency AZPonds recommend the PondMaster Pumpguard Water Pump Maintenance Solution. Click Here to view the PondMaster Pumpguard Water Pump Maintenance Solution.

Note: Some Laguna parts are being discontinued by the manufacturer. Please email: for any questions.

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Pond Product Type

Pond Pumps

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